Toronto Regional (Top 4) - [Prophecy] Tamer Eltohamy
3- High Priestess of Prophecy
3- Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
2- Justice of Prophecy
1- Temperance of Prophecy
1- Stoic of Prophecy
2- Breaker the Magical Warrior
2- Effect Veiler
2- Tragoedia
3- Spellbook of Secrets
3- Spellbook of Wisedom
2- Spellbook of the Master
2- The Grand Spellbook Tower
2- Spellbook of Power
2- Spellbook of Life
1- Spellbook Star Hall
1- Spellbook of Eternity
1- Spellbook of Fate
2- Wander Wand
2- Threatening Roar
2- Kycoo, the Ghost Destroyer
2- Lava Golem
2- Maxx "C"
1- Effect Veiler
2- Dimensional Fissure
2- Royal Decree
2- Rivalry of Warlords
2- Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror1- Ally of Justice Catastor1- T.G. Hyper Librarian1- Tempest Magician1- Arcanite Magician1- Stardust Dragon1- Scrap Dragon1- Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1-Wind-Up Zenmaines
1- Leviair Dragon
1- Number 30: Acid Golem
1- Abyss Dweller
1- Number 11: Big Eye
1- Hierophant of Prophecy
1- Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max
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