Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pure Photon Deck for September 2012

 Today i'll post this "Photon" deck for Spetember 2012 Format
Rights reserved to the memeber "Rayleigh"
3- Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
3- Galaxy Knight
2- Photon Thrasher
1- Photon Crusher
2- Photon Lizard
3- Galaxy Wizard
2- Kuriphoton
1- Honest
  3- Accel Light
  3- Galaxy Expedition
  1- Galaxy Zero
  2- Trade-In
1- Monster Reborn
1- Dark Hole
2- Mysthical Space Typhoon
2- Bottomless Trap Hole
2- Dimensional Prison
2- Mirror Force
2- Torrential Tribute
2- Starlight Road
 2- Effect Veiler
2- Thunder King Rai-Oh
1- Cyber Dragon
1- Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1- Book of Moon
2- System Down
1- Solemn Judgment
2- Fiendish Chain
3- Soul Drain
1- Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
2- Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
2- Number 15: Gimmick Puppet - Giant Killer
1- Radiant Photon Paradios
1- Photon Papilloperative
1- Number 17: leviathan Dragon
1- Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1- Wind-Up Zenmaines
1- Constellar Omega
1- Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1- Steelswarm Roach
2-Blade Armor Ninja
1- Heroic Champion Excalibur
1- Number 39: Utopia

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