Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thunder Deck for September 2012

 Today i'll post this "Thunder" deck for Spetember 2012 Format
Rights reserved to the memeber "Kathy Scarlet"
3- Pahunder
3- Mahunder
3- Sishunder
3- Thunder Seahorse
3- Batteryman AAA
2- Vylon Prism
1- Honest
1- Heavy Storm
2- Mysthical Space Typhoon
1- Dark Hole
1- Monster Reborn 
1- Pot of Avarice
1- Mind Control
1- Book of Moon
2- Pot of Duality
2- Recycling Batteries
1- Solemn Judgment
2- Solemn Warning
 2- Bottomless Trap Hole
2- Starlight Road 
2- Dimensional Prison
2- Mirror Force
2- Stardust Dragon
1- Scrap Dragon
2- Radiant photon Paradios
2- Constellar Omega
2- Number 16: Shock Master
2- Number 39: Utopia
1- Number C39: Utopia Ray
1- Steelswarm Roach
1- Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1- Gem-Knight Pearl

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